EmergHub Use Case | Simplified Staff Notifications

Simplified Staff Notifications


When universities need to communicate with staff, messages need to be quick and to the point. Staff notifications are alerts regarding campus closures, dangerous weather conditions, important departmental notices, and even emergency situations. Making sure the right messages go to the right people through the right channel and at the right time can get complicated.

We Can Help

  1. Record key contact information and ensure it remains updated by regular messaging and reminders.
  2. Build messages ahead of time, saving each one as a template. This will allow for notifications on a single-click basis.
  3. Pre-prepare emergency and closure notices.

Here's How

Build Staff Database

Record key contact information and ensure it remains updated by regular messaging and reminders.

Template Messages

Build messages ahead of time, saving each one as a template. This will allow for notifications on a single-click basis.

Activate Alert

Once the need arises, send your alert out with a single click, and monitor reports for follow-up or reply messages if needed.


Review reports to identify sending issues, ensure people received the alert, or to review responses.